Close up of someone looking up a plumbers phone number on their phone.

Why a Plumber’s Contact Should Be a Part of Your Emergency Toolkit

Even if your plumbing system is working as it should, every smart homeowner should have an emergency plumber’s contact details in their toolkit. After all, preparing for a disaster is the best way to minimize the impact, not to mention avoid adding to the stress you’ll be feeling at that moment!

Emergency plumbing services are available 24/7, no matter what time during the day or night. You will be able to count on these plumbing professionals to come to your rescue and fix your faulty system, no matter when or where. However, there are some types of services that can be classified as emergencies and some that can wait. Reading up on each one will help you know when you need to call an emergency plumber to your home.

Why Should I Research an Emergency Plumber Before an Emergency?

Being prepared for any plumbing emergencies that may happen is a good idea. If you have ever experienced having a plumbing problem, you know just how much destruction it can bring about. Having a 24/7 plumber on hand will ensure that you can call for help as soon as you recognize an emergency. The sooner they are able to come over and address the issue, the less damage will be done and hopefully, the less you’ll have to pay!

When plumbing issues occur, timing is of the utmost importance—and calling someone you trust quickly can mean the difference between a quick fix and major damage!

Plumbing Emergency vs a Routine Pipe Problem

The first thing you need to read up on is how to tell when a specific plumbing problem may be classified as an emergency or just a routine problem. Plumbing emergencies will warrant the need for an emergency plumber whereas routine problems with your pipes may wait until the next day to get fixed.

Common plumbing emergencies include the water coming out of your shower being too hot or too cold, leaking pipes, leaking water heaters, clogged toilets or drains, and frozen pipes. Should you experience any of these problems, call an emergency plumber.

What to Do When an Emergency Leak Happens

If a big leak has sprung and you can’t identify the source of the problem, there are a few crucial things you need to do prior to the arrival of the emergency plumber. After giving them a call, immediately shut off the main water value as well as your water heater. Then open up your drains to get rid of any excess water in the area. Doing these will help prepare the area for your emergency plumber to work.

The Importance of Having an Emergency Plumbing Contact

Just like preparing yourself for other types of emergencies, doing research on emergency plumbers beforehand will help you find the right one to help you. Shopping around will help you look for a reliable plumbing service that will fit your needs and be convenient to you. If you wait until the last minute to find an emergency plumber, you will not have the privilege of doing an advanced search for the professional you need.


Emergency plumbing situations may arise at any time, even when you least expect it. Your plumbing system may be in seemingly excellent condition one minute and the next, you may find out that you have a leak. Having the contact information of an emergency plumber that you trust will make all the difference in getting your pipes back to working order again.

If you need an emergency plumber, Bromac is the company you should call! We are always ready to offer plumbing and heating solutions and are willing to go above and beyond to serve our customers. Call 604-360-2710 for emergency plumbing services today!

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